Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Andrei Abramov VP of Overseas Operations Sunro Copper Mine Restart

Dear Sir,

Project Participation Copper & Gold. (includes 763 acres of beautiful view property) Price $4,0 million the land the mine.  We are looking Buyer for  our copper mine in BC, Canada . The mine has three crushers and two mills capable of processing 173 000 t/y of ore. Average ore milled was 173,000 tonnes per year.Cooper production was an average of 1.900 tonnes/y, about 1.1% of the ore milled. Silver production average 310kg/y about 1.8g/t and gold 28kg/y 0.16g/t.

The idea of exporting ore may be an improvement - just restarting the past operations in BC, Canada. Re-open project (measured proven) reserves are 1,020,465 tonnes grading 1.47 per cent copper; and indicated (probable) reserves are 423,782 tonnes grading 1.33 per cent copper. The copper, gold and silver in the ore is worth about $153/tonne of ore. The total trucking, loading and ocean shipping cost should be about $40/t.  So this still leaves sufficient margin for ore mining at mine and processing in CIF port . It simplifies approvals and reduces capital costs.

If you interesting this project please see the our web-site http://www.sunrocopper.ca  and pls forward us all buyer side - company details to go ahead and I send you an initial documents about project.

Andrei Abramov
VP of Overseas Operations
Sunro Copper Mine Restart
Vancouver, Canada

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